
BuGIS stands for Blue-Green Infrastructure in Semarang. BuGIS was a research project that aimed to increase the flood resilience of Semarang city by integrating Blue Green Infrastructure (BGI) concepts into urban development planning. The plan was that this would be achieved by developing a natural flood management strategy that embraces the technical (structural and non-structural) approaches of BGI and aligns them with local community-based activities. The project aimed to have a direct impact on vulnerable communities, by raising awareness and capacity to deal with flooding, and to support the development of research-informed policies that facilitate community resilience, and wider research capacity. This website serves as a focal point for communication and dissemination of research findings and other relevant information.

Please click here to download the synthesis of key findings for policy makers and stakeholders from the BuGIS project: BuGIS Summary and Action.

Please click here to read our journal publication.